We were called to do a carpet stretching Mesa job yesterday! The carpet had some Ripples that needed to be power stretched out of the carpet. We get calls like this on a regular basis. Their are a couple of main reasons carpet ripples. 1. Over wetting and over cleaning the carpet. 2. The carpet was not installed correctly. allot of “carpet guys” use a knee kicker instead of the proper tool called a power stretcher. 3. A tack strip releases and causes the carpet to release from a wall. This causes the tension in the room to release causing rippling. 4. This reason might be a surprise to many.We have allot of snow birds here in Arizona. a snow bird being a person who lives here part time. When people leave their home vacant here in Arizona its important to leave the AC unit on! That’s right set it at 80 degrees. We find that when a home reaches temperatures about 85 degrees and above it causes carpet ripples. The carpet glue warms up and carpet relaxes causing carpet to ripple and then it needs to be power stretched!