by jouel | Feb 14, 2014 | Recent Jobs
We were called for fix some commercial carpet repairs for a client that had quite the trip hazard in their office. We were able to salvage some carpet from under some file cabinets and heavy furniture that has been in the same place for years! We moved the heavy...
by jouel | Feb 14, 2014 | Recent Jobs
We were called to do a carpet stretching Mesa job yesterday! The carpet had some Ripples that needed to be power stretched out of the carpet. We get calls like this on a regular basis. Their are a couple of main reasons carpet ripples. 1. Over wetting and over...
by jouel | Feb 7, 2014 | Recent Jobs
These are great photos during a cleaning in an office space in Mesa, Az. The carpets looked like new when were finished, the customer didn’t realize there was that much soil in the carpet until they seen it being extracted with our truck mounted system.