Mesa Carpet Repair

If you need a few carpet repairs done, we can do them all within the same visit. Great thing about us is we know how to do all types of repairs. If its causes by pet damage or even if it’s a stain we are trained in fixing these problems.   

Spring Cleaning In Mesa

It’s time for Spring Cleaning! If you plan to do some cleaning for the spring get your carpets cleaned. It is an overall benefit because it doesn’t just look nice it also helps with keeping away allergies and it helps improves the air quality.

Doorway Repair In Mesa

  Pets love doorways and to rip apart the carpet at doorways. We do these types of repairs all the time. We will take a piece of carpet from your closet to use to do the repair. After we fix the repair area we will then go in to the closet and place a piece of...

Carpet Repair Company in Mesa, Az

This is a real life result of pet damage in the doorway in one of our customers homes.  We cut the damaged area out and sectioned in a new piece of carpet.  We extracted a donor piece from the back corner of a closet to use for the repair and placed a non-matching...

A Carpet Cleaning in Phoenix

Carpets can get pretty nasty. When they are dark and black with dirt it is past time to have them cleaned. To prolong the life of your carpets and keeping them looking nice, they need to be regularly maintained and professionally cleaned. Carpet also gets dirtier in...