by jouel | Mar 15, 2014 | Recent Jobs
Carpets can get pretty nasty. When they are dark and black with dirt it is past time to have them cleaned. To prolong the life of your carpets and keeping them looking nice, they need to be regularly maintained and professionally cleaned. Carpet also gets dirtier in...
by jouel | Mar 13, 2014 | Recent Jobs
The before photo is where the homeowner cut the carpet and pad out due to pet urine contamination. The customer had the carpet to use for replacement while we provided the padding needed. It turned out to be a 10′ x 2′ install. As long as you know the...
by jouel | Mar 8, 2014 | Recent Jobs
Cleaning can do miracles for those unknown stains. Whats better, if it has permanently damaged the carpet, we can repair it. For this stain, it came out using our truck mounted steam cleaning process. Now find us on Google+!! See us on Angie’s...
by jouel | Mar 7, 2014 | Recent Jobs
Did you cat claw up the edge of the stair? Did you know it can be repaired? Here is a great example of a carpet repair we recently did for a homeowner in the valley. We used carpet from a closet for the repair, and placed a non-matching piece back into the closet....
by jouel | Mar 1, 2014 | Recent Jobs
If your carpets are visibly dirty it is past time to get them professionally cleaned. Look how these carpets don’t even look the same after cleaning WOW. In Mesa for some deep carpet cleaning, our trucks use only soft water for cleaner results. We use green...