Mesa Carpet Cleaners

Your high traffic areas starting to look a little dingy? No worries we can take care of it! We will send certified carpet technicians to come to your home and they will assist you with your carpet needs. They will measure every job they have to do so you get your...

Mesa Carpet Repair

We received a call for a Mesa Carpet Repair job in far East Mesa. The client needed some help with a carpet repair. Their dog got locked in a bedroom and dug her way under the doorway. Some people try to fix pet damage on their own, re recommend you call a...

Mesa Carpet Stretching

We were called to do a Mesa Carpet stretching job! This client had some pretty serious ripples in their carpet. We were able to use a power stretcher and power stretch the carpet and get the carpet back drum tight! We use a Crain power stretcher on all our carpet...

Mesa Carpet Pet Damage Repair Work

The Mesa carpet repair and cleaning pros were called to do some Mesa carpet pet damage repair work! A pet scooted the tray in a kennel out from underneath the kennel and made a hole in the carpet. We get calls from frantic pet & home owners daily. They think they...

Pet Damage Mesa Carpet Repair

Mesa Carpet cleaning and repair Pro’s was called to to do a pet damage repair work!!!Pet damage is a common call for us here at Mesa carpet Pros! click Here